Corrugated casing pipe Caproflex

Caproflex protective hoses

Corrugated double-layer conduit for the protection of electrical and telecommunications cables routed in the ground, made of high quality HDPE and LDPE polyethylene. Thanks to its double structure, i.e. smooth on the inside and corrugated on the outside, it is mechanically very strong – with a compression resistance of more than 450N – and at the same time flexible and lightweight, ensuring efficient and easy distribution of the installation. The wall material is highly resistant to external influences, i.e. temperature, atmospheric conditions, chemicals, hydrolysis, etc., thus providing reliable protection for the cables routed inside.


40 – 110 mm
For the transport of media:
    wytrzymały mechanicznie mechanically resistant more than 450N
    odporny chemicznie chemically resistant
    wąż przeznaczony do transportu mediów ciekłych IP44 when joining pipes with standard fittings.

    IP67 when joining pipes with connectors with rubber seals

    wygładzona ścianka wewnętrzna węża smooth inner wall
    elastyczność flexibility ★★★☆☆
    odporność termiczna thermal resistance od -5 do +60°C
    klasa palności It is possible to manufacture hoses with a high flammability class to special order.
    odporny na promieniowanie UV It is possible to manufacture hoses with a high UV resistance to special order.
    długości handlowe standard lengths 25, 50 m



    Technical parameters

    Product code Inner diameter [mm] Outer diameter [mm] Approx. weight [kg/m]
    20– 01 – 0040 30 40 0,2
    20– 01 – 0050 40 50 0,23
    20– 01 – 0063 51 63 0,3
    20– 01 – 0075 61 75 0,37
    20– 01 – 0090 75 90 0,44
    20– 01 – 0110 92 110 0,55
    20– 01 – 0160 140 160 0,7

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